Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Foolin...

Can't believe that this Sunday is lifeGroup meeting! Seems like we just finished our pie at the Logger from last month! :)

So, Sunday afternoon, Langston home, 4:00. Let's keep it simple and bring whatever finger food is easy for you. We will have plates, cups, silverware, and pop and smoked salmon.

If anyone else would like to host next month, we can talk about that!

Will talk about Pastor's message this Sunday: I will be especially excited to hear about it as I have to work.

Prayer requests:
This Sundays message is about suicide. PLEASE pray for Pastor and the message and that God would bring those hurting people that need to hear this to our church. Pray for open hearts and ears for the message for all those there.

Lynette asks for prayer for a woman that God has placed in her life with a story similar to hers. She is gonna be meeting with her; lets lift both Lynette and this woman to God, asking for wisdom, healing, and a strong bond to form between them. Lynette is gonna let us know when they are meeting so we can pray hedges of protection around them!

Can't wait to see you all Sunday!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Quick Update

Soooooooooooooo..... coffee on Sunday will be Cassie and Lynette! Thanks ladies!

And... the answer to the question of the day.... Easter service at the Liberty starts at 10:30, same as a regular Sunday service. This will be easy to remember.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March lifeGroup

This week is our service week: Thursday coffee, Rick and Johna; Sunday: Lynette has volunteered to help, I will need to get someone from another group to work with her. Also, if the coffee servers can do so, it is OK to re-open after services to encourage fellowship; clean-up would be done then. This is optional, so if you can't hang around, that is OK.

Prayer requests:
Pray for Easter service
Pray for the lost
Pray for all those needing to forgive others or themselves
Pray for Pastor
Pray for church finances
Pray for the worship team and music
Pray for unspoken requests
Pray for the coast guard family whose card we signed

Please remember how powerful our prayers are! Don't ever underestimate their power in spiritual warfare!

Next meeting: April 1 (no foolin!) at the Langston home again. Time and menu to follow.