Saturday, November 12, 2011

November Life Group Notes

Another awesome meeting of the Langston lifegroup! We have new members this month... YEAH!! Welcome to Angela and Ralph, Randi and family; we are blessed to have you join us.

After an amazing dinner, and great fellowship, we got down to business:

December meeting will be our Christmas party. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, cookie exchange, and white elephant gift exchange. December 4th, 4pm, at Doneys.

Got our jobs all lined out for serving this month; see Johna's e-mail for the list.

Christmas caroling in December: sign up sheet will be at church. Teen caroling will be on the 8th; with the 9th, 10th and possibly the 16th as dates for the rest of us!

Jeff gave an wonderful life lesson on the "Battlefield of the Mind"; and the importance of having a heightened awareness of how we behave in situations we find ourselves in. It may be so easy to react in the "same old way", but we need to abide in Jesus, and redirect our behavior as He would have us do. HALT! Be aware of how we react when we are hungry, angry, lonely and tired. Important verses: Phil 4: 8, Romans 12: 2, 1John 4: 1.

Prayer requests:
Angela's friend Krystle
Vera's friend, Heidi O
Safe traveling for the teens and that they would grow closer to God
Khayla's sickness
Michelle, upcoming medical tests
Church expansion, where does God want us?