Thursday, December 29, 2011

January lifeGroup

January lifeGroup will meet on Sunday, January 8at 4:30 at the Rasmussen home. Directions to follow. Randi would like to do an "italian" theme, so bring dishes like garlic bread, salad, desert, etc. You could comment on this blog what you can bring so we have a great variety! We have lots to talk about for the new year. Hope everyone can come! (Ralph or Randi, could you please comment on how to get to your home? Thanks!) Carol and Newton will bring plates, cups, napkins, silverware and drinks.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

IMPORTANT new information!

New important information for all!

There will be a new group of greeters starting up to welcome people to church. Some of them may be members of our lifegroup; if so they may be unavailable to "serve" during our week in the position they signed up for. So the word for the day is flexible! There are enough of us to step in and fill their shoes if needed! Johna is one of these greeters! Go Johna!

There will be NO Thursday night service during the month of December.

There will be name tags coming for those serving. Look for them to wear on your service day!

Important coffee cart information!
-There needs to be 2 people working the cart; one to make coffee and one to collect money/mark cards. No more than 2 people working at a time. Older teens can be one of the workers, but not 2 teens.
-Lessons in coffee making/first time coffee making needs to happen on Thursday, not on Sunday when we have more visitors and people.
- Free coffee is ONLY for first time visitors! Free coffee for workers ended quite awhile ago!
-Empty and low coffee supplies (except milk) needs to be written down and placed in Kathy Buchers box so she can replace them. She also keeps tabs on milk, just don't need to write her a note about it.
-If you run low on dollar bills, tell Kathy B and she will get change.
- Coffee orders need to END 15 minutes before service starts; 615 Thursday, 1015 Sunday. This way all orders can be filled and the stand can be cleaned by service starting time. And please make sure cleaning is done completely.
- NEVER deliver coffee into the sanctuary after service has started!
-Last but not least, kiddos with hot chocolate need to be seated in one place while drinking, preferable not in foyer due to stains on carpet.

Caroling this past week was a great success! Thanks to Johna for organizing this... the residents we sang to were truely a blessing!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We were busting at the seams with our December lifegroup! Welcome to Leann; we are so glad she has joined our group! This special Christmas gathering included turkey dinner, white elephant gift and cookie exchange.

Our next meeting will be January 8 since the first Sunday of the month is New Years Day. More on exact time later.

Remember Christmas caroling Friday night and Saturday morning; Johna has the details if you can make it.

Prayer requests: Pray for safe travel for all those going places during the holidays.
Pray for Christmas service at the Liberty! and be sure to start inviting all your
friends and family.
Pray for the lifeEast midweek service in Knappa!
Please add any prayer requests you may have in a comment to this blog; we
will make sure it gets prayed for!